Monday, December 04, 2006

Continued Studies - 07/10/2006 (New Money Piggy Banks)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Another observation pertaining to the modern tendency within the commerce/power social structure in the United States, is the odd mutation (which I have touched on) in that area of wealth and recognition so great as to cause a distinct tendency - being that want of what appears to be soveriegn recognition - toward a distortion of sorts.

Particularly within the celebrity population, there is a distinct pattern of growth (progression) so to speak - which causes many to end up as tyranical shadows of their former selves. As contrary and odd as it may appear, it seems to be quite common for even the type of celebrity from the most humble (lowely as it were) of beginnings, to find themselves so forgotten of that and absorbed in some strange drunkeness of power - that they actually begin to embody the most horendous traits of histories worst examples of people in possitions of power.

To me it sems like a great waste of possibilities - pleasurable and otherwise - but in a larger sense, that new money tendency is itself quite consistent. I could dare say even expected and further even in many instances, encouraged.

It definitely seems a bastardization of the initial concept(s). ~

In many ways, as a contrary observation - it really isn't surprising given the dynamic of such opportunities and further the opportunistic challenges and constant risks of losing it all be perpetrated (encouraged) by even those closest to such figures.

Even further still is the grotesque lack of preperation most stumbling into such fortune are of. Many having had nothing more than the myth (of a modern variety) of and from the modern media to guide their decision making and/of insights. many times it ends up being the greedy ignorant making decisions for the uninformed and ambitious.

Of course, there is then the gross level of imposed narcessism which exists throughout society in the modern day.

There are actually people insisting upon the power, recognition and right of large decision making, which have no clue as to where or what combinations of/within existence actually produce such actions in response to said decisions. people armed with nothing more than the automated, consumer mentality form of social dynamic, and that all permeating modern myth supported with that rat feeder dynamic. This as well then being an example of those developed horendous traits echoed from long dead tyrannies.

Most of them not even being familiar enough with that to recognize it as it sets upon their own existence - beyond of course that which they have discovered and/or been shown to complete the cycle within the consumer mentality aspects of existence.

It is rather amazing that many those populating the new money areas of society truly have little idea of what actually produces and maintains wealth, much less value.

The imposed narcisism seems to produce such ignorance as well as amplifying to simply amazing levels - and then further amplifies the effect of that consumer mentality.

Another fact in such a dynamic is that the term new money is misleading, given that within such ignorant confusion - many of said examples of new money shortly become nothing more than piggy banks for larger/older interests. It suggests that they are new money to the larger motion of things - when really, in most instances, they only have procurred the money from somewhere else in some exchange for a rather instant product in the modern day. The term making money has now been affiliated with such topical exchanges of various sums from one place to another. There is very little actual making of money within that area of social movement.

This transpiring through several methods and means - most being attached to that simple ignorance.

It then seems to become a social theater of sorts, and that new money is nothing much more than comparable to children in a larger sense. ~

This of course then presents another apsect within such a social dynamic and cycle - that being the rejects in those motions. Factually, if a person were to look at the modern socio-economic atmosphere, there are several individuals that could be cited as being repeated rejects - as if it were somehow their starring role over and again.

Something else to note about this apparent shift in the modern atmosphere, is that it is more likely in the modern day to be targeted and labeled as such a reject, if it is that one has no larger affiliations in that corporate sense. As if to insure that potential actual new money is either relegated to the piggy bank status, or just outright labeled as reject, though again - the reject aspect looks to have several facets.

This piggy bank atmosphere then tends to create a monopolisitic atmosphere through affiliations as said. In that level of society, I personally don't see much of that necessarily as a bad thing - BUT, the problematic elements of it arise in maintaining healthy movement. And of course the danger of producing other reminiscent tyranny like hierarchies - and of course the larger detrimental effects of them on a larger scale throughout society.

It seems that if such affiliations were maintained in a healthy way, it could truly benefit the quality of life. Sadly as with other human tendencies, such rarely seems to be the case. ~

When I look at that onset of technology and those things socially which accompanied it - one of which being that imposed narcisism and especially a growing sort of ignorance - I see where again, certain important things have been left behind - more so suplanted with a dynamic which hastily creates those odd piggy bank situations - those things having been overlooked, seem to include a rudamentary understanding of personal being beyond that topical consumer mentality. As if that ignorance wasn't necessarilly promoted at first, but after some method being found to produce results - it was then maximized from both sides through opportunistic slights of hand to a degree that such then became a standard within the expected social dynamic.

That lack of personal insight within that dynamic, then does more than just insure a fellowship through ignorance so to speak - it also creates an incredible dependence on few people, while simultaneously creating that detrimental need to maintian the apparent health of said forms of structure from somewhere other than healthy exchange (which no longer exists within them at this point).

The hierarchical movement within such structures eventually becoming nothing more than the consumer mentality, but having a greater catalogue of rat feeder type of problem solving than previously through great flexibility. This form then seems to lord over the less experienced consumer mentality. Insuring through their superior knowledge (and its influence), that the newer consumer mentality stays well within the obvious correctness of said consumer mentality tendencies. Further removing anything except the dynamic of consumer mentality... then yet further, seeming to substantiate the huge lack of insight within that which is now seen as correct (being the consumer mentality).

This esspecially after any who may have had greater insight have passed on, leaving no one but those who may have mimicked them, as predescessor. thus creating an atmosphere void of anything, much less existenctial insight, but obviously over abundant in conditioned response - solution and action.

Essentially then, becoming more and more of a concentrated consumer mentality the farther away from those actual insights, that time may lead it.

In considering this, this tendency again suggests that actual heads of said social hierarchies (the actual decision makers), should be no where within that upper social area of it - thus enabling the succession of head consumers within those structures to have their turn. While the actual stability remains somewhere else - even if it were within some annonymous motion as I have proposed - out of the direct social influence of such a dynamic and social atmosphere.

This of course - and again - is in regard to that consumer mentality and new money tendency toward social dynamic.

By no means am I suggesting such as any sort of standard - only something I see in addressing the common modern problematic dynamics in certain social areas and hierarchical processions.

Further, the suggested stability isn't necessarilly stillness or abstenence - I believe it would be most successful as a more common living dynamic consisting of various genuine interests having little to do with lofty goals.

And there again I suppose, is that inherent human failing between concept and application?

Perhaps it isn't failing as much as it is some sort of conversion amount/success percentage ratio to use a more modern descriptive term?


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